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Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about joining our CSA?  Please take a few minutes to read the details below and Contact Us if you have any questions. Thank you! 

What are your growing practices/are you organic?

We are conventional growers. We use Integrated Pest Management which involves field scouting and pest trapping. Information gathered is used to time spraying for maximum efficiency. Sprays are extremely expensive, and are used only when necessary to control pests and disease. While our fertilizers are synthetic, approximately 60% of our sprays are naturally-derived materials. Examples include Copper, Boron, Sulfur, and a form of Hydrogen Peroxide. We strictly adhere to the Pre-Harvest Intervals recommended by the EPA and Penn State. Pre-Harvest Intervals are the time lapses that must pass between application of spray til harvesting of crops for optimum safety to the pickers and consumers.

What will I receive in my share?

Our farm specializes in tree fruit and we also produce a variety of vegetables. Each share will be curated by the farmer with your desire for variety in mind. A Large Share (22 weeks long, most produce, best variety) will contain 10+ fruit and vegetable items sourced from our farm, or another local farm to supplement. A Medium Share (22 weeks long, best for a small family consistently eating produce every week) will contain 7+/- items. A Small Share (22 weeks long, suitable for a single person that eats produce consistently, or a busy couple that cooks twice a week) contains 5+/- items. The Fruit Only Share (22 weeks long, for people that know where the good fruit is, and when it's time to make the most of fruit season) contains only fruit! Each box will have an assortment of amazing fruits from our farm. The term 'item' may refer to a quart or pint container of various kinds of fruit, a bunch of greens, 2-3 lbs of root vegetables, 2 pieces of individual salad vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, onions, beefsteak tomatoes, eggplant, etc., or occasionally a jar of something special (i.e. our own canned Baby Gold Peaches, yum!) to fill out the farthest reaches of the season.


We send out an email newsletter each week of the growing season with a list of what you can expect in your next share, plus storage and recipe tips, and news from the farm. Please subscribe to the newsletter at the bottom of our homepage.

Is it possible to skip a weekly delivery?

You are automatically scheduled to receive a share every week for 22 weeks. However, we understand that some weeks you will be out of town. You may schedule a delivery hold up to 3 times during the season from your CSA account page or email us by Tuesday at Noon the week of your delivery.  We will credit your account for the value of the skipped box and you can use this account credit to purchase items on our webstore. Account credits are good until the last week of deliveries (of the same year they were received). Any remaining balance must be used by the last week of deliveries; balances can not carry over into the next year's subscription, and will not be refunded. 

When can I place an order for add-on items?

Our webstore is open from Friday at 6:00pm until Tuesday at 6:00 pm. This is a great way for a fruit share customer to get some vegetables, or a small share customer to get a few extra goodies. This is also a way for some of you to buy in bulk! We email our newsletter when it is time to order each weekend and send a reminder Monday mornings. Saturday customers may find the store will not open until Sunday morning for additional items to be added to your box.

What if I forget to pick up my share?

Shares must be picked up during the pick-up times designated for each site. Produce not picked up by the end of the day is for each site coordinator to use or donate as he/she sees fit. Site coordinators may kindly hold a forgotten box for later, but this is not to be expected. You may have another person pick up your box for you if necessary. 

Gibney Florist (301)-739-4778 - Grayce Gardens (717) 753-3792 - Frederick Social (240)-629-8525 - Alto Markets (814)-201-2055 - Andrews Farm Market may be called for all other location issues 717-369-0055 or Amy Andrews at 717-658-7533.

What if my box is missing an item or I am unhappy with an item?

Please contact us. We will do our best to make it right, including crediting your account for missing/unsatisfactory items. We want you to be completely satisfied!

I can't find a pick-up site near me.  Is it possible to start one in my neighborhood?

If you’re passionate about enjoying local food and building community, contact us to learn more about coordinating a site in your neighborhood. Ideal pickup sites are indoors or under a shady porch at a residence, small business, or community center. CSA site coordinators enjoy the perk of home delivery plus a credit for free produce.  

Is it possible to cancel my CSA subscription for a refund?

We depend on our CSA members for their investment in our farm for the season and their consistent demand for the products we produce.  We work hard to grow quality fruits and vegetables that surpass our customers expectations.  If for any reason you are not happy with your membership or circumstances change and you are not able to participate as planned, please contact us for a refund of your remaining balance.  We do charge a $50 administration fee to process refunds.

Do you re-use/recycle CSA boxes?

Absolutely! We would like to reuse share boxes as much as possible. Please bring a tote to transfer your box contents over into, or be sure to return the box and lid to your pickup location the following week for us to pick up.

Our CSA Dropoff Locations

Andrews Farm Market (717) 369-0055

CSA Questions - Amy (717) 658-7533

© 2020 - 2024 by Andrews Farm Market.  All rights reserved.

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